Roadburn Ignition
- Early Graves
- Splinter
- The Dead Cvlt
As has become firm tradition for hundreds of Roadburners, the festival will kick off on Wednesday night with our traditional pre-show party, tiled Ignition. True to form, we have rounded up three bands that will get your Roadburn experience up and running straight from the off. If you’re a first-timer, it’s a great opportunity to get your bearings at the 013, meet some fellow ‘burners, and of course – to bang your head!
Given that we have Early Graves in town already, we really couldn’t resist inviting them to do a second set and be part of the welcoming committee on Wednesday night. With their hearts in the boogie and their minds in the gutter, Amsterdam‘s Splinter could hardly be more appropriate to launch Roadburn 2020.
Rounding out the bill will be The Dead Cvlt: amped up on a lethal dose of misanthropic black metal, pounding blastbeats and oldschool drum and bass, the Rotterdam based band will offer a suitably fucked up soundtrack for a world visibly in decay by dropping unrelenting amen beats as well.
Admission to our pre party is FREE! The wristband exchange is open on Wednesday night from 6pm so it’s a good opportunity to collect yours and start your whole Roadburn experience nice and early!
- Datum wo 15 apr '20
- Zaal Next
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- Toegankelijkheid in 013