Dirty Bastards + Stealers + Black Bottle Riot
Dirty Bastards + Stealers + Black Bottle Riot
Rock 'n Roll/Punk
When Joe Bastard met Dirty Jelly on some sleazy hardrock festival, they discovered they both wanted to be in the best Rock ’n Roll band ever. So after having a couple of beers, they decided ..ing Dirty Bastards. Still in need of a bass player they literally stumbled across some wasted Heavy metal dude named Joey, who happened to play bass. The band was born.
Dirty Bastards have been Hardrocking Punkrockers since 2005 with a love for Dirty, Sleazy Rock ’n Roll. Influenced by the likes of Danko Jones, Peter Pan Speedrock, Johnny Cash, AC/DC, The Ramones they’ve come up with their own Dirty Punk ’n Roll.
Their goal? Rocking all over the world!
Stealers are a rogue mob existing of 4 city boys gone wild! Their appearance is known since the summer of 2007. Since then, several attacks on law abiding citizens occurred viciously out of the blue.
Black Bottle Riot Just like the name suggests, Black Bottle Riot hits you right in the face. This Rock 'N' Roll fourpiece from The Netherlands, has been described as a solid blend of Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Ramones. This implicates some good stuff: a pack of damn fine songs, an earthy attitude and - yes, they bring it back - loud guitars. You know you've been waiting for this!
hash tag: 2480_dirty013
€ 3,-
€ 3,-
- Datum za 25 okt '08
- Zaal Overig
Zaal open
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