Devil Sold His Soul
Devil Sold His Soul
- Kill.Caress
Kerrang!: "...a devastatingly apocalyptic record that defiantly stands out...Thrilling, unique and utterly brilliant."KKKK (4/5)
Rock Sound: "Lie down before you listen to Devil Sold His Soul, as they're extremely overwhelming...Listen for a truly speaker-shuddering experience." (8/10)
Q Magazine: "This is weighty, furrowed-brow art-metal, by turns bleak, beautiful and brutal as it swells with volume and density...moody souls will appreciate its oppressive gravitas." (3/5)
Big Cheese Magazine: "This is British Metal that deserves to be recognised..." (4.5/5)
Terrorizer: "...If there is one thing you do this year then buy this album because it is monumentally brilliant..." (9/10)
Kill.Caress experimenteert al jaren binnen de grenzen van harde muziek. De inventiviteit waarmee gecomponeerd wordt geeft Kill.Caress net zo lang het predikaat 'geheimtip'. De rustpunten in de nummers zorgen dat de dynamiek optimaal uit de verf komt. De riffs lijken op Norma Jean en Pretty Girls Make Graves en de totaalsound vaak op het fantastische Zao.
€ 3,-
€ 3,-
- Datum zo 07 okt '07
- Zaal Overig
Zaal open
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