Green Lizard
Green Lizard
- Dead Pop Club
- Mikado
Green Lizard staat bekend om zijn energieke liveshows. De band heeft dan ook heel veel gespeeld, onder meer met The Gathering, Krezip, Brainpower, Agresion, Soda P, The League Of XO Gentlemen, The Riplets, San Andreas, Cooper en shows met internationale acts als Alien Ant Farm, dredg, Deftones, The Rasmus en Living Colour. Ook stond Green Lizard op festivals als Pinkpop, Lowlands, Roskilde en de Vans Warped Tour in de V.S.. Begin 2006 verscheen hun derde album 'Las Armas Del Silencio'. In 2007 zal het album ook in de Verenigde Staten verschijnen.
France is much more known for its electronic scene (Datfpunk, Air, Rinocerose) than its rock scene. Underground until today, it hasn't stop growing giving birth to original music. Dead Pop Club's formula is simple: two guitars, one bass, a drum set serving a music electric as well as eclectic. Since 1998, the french team motivated by Girls Against Boys, Samiam, Pixies, Foo Fighters, Weezer and Quicksand, collects amazing catchy tunes. After differents tries on compilations and an ep produced on his own label, Buzz Off Records, Dead Pop Club gets signed by W.O.M (War On Majors) and records 'Superpower' in 2000 with Fred Norguet known for his work with french hardcore stars Burning Heads. In 2002 the band releases 'Autopilot Off'. Inspired by Daniel Clowe's graphic novel, the song 'Ghost World' is included in the French DVD edition of Ghost World the movie by Terry Zwigoff with Scarlett Johansen (Match Point, Lost In Translation). Adrenalized by songs like 'At The Movies', '1992', 'Satisfied' or the emo oriented 'End Of Days', the four piece band plays with such bands as Nerf Herder, Trail Of Dead, Uk Subs, Sons Of Buddha, Seven Hate, No Use For A Name, NRA, Burning Heads, Wampas, La Ruda and the Emo Glam Connection gangsters (Second Rate, Homeboys, Sexy Pop, Flying Donuts, X-Syndicate, Uncommonmenfrommars). 2006 sees the recording of a third album. After UFO's and superheroes, the band explores this time around the myths of horror movies. With it's eleven songs, 'Trailer Park' is Dead Pop Club's best album so far. Watch out for the skies! Dead Pop Club is on its way to rock your homes!!!
hash tag: 1736_green013
€ 10,-
€ 10,-
- Datum zo 17 sep '06
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