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House Rules

Welcome to 013 

It is extremely important to us that all our visitors can enjoy a great concert or event in a pleasant, safe way. To make this possible, we draw your attention to our house rules below.

Have Fun!

Access to 013

  • A valid ID is required.
  • No entry after 03:00 at night during events.
  • No entry for individuals who are visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • No entry for individuals who pose a threat to safety or the atmosphere inside 013.
  • No entry for individuals wearing group-identifying and/or negatively atmosphere-defining clothing (motorcycle club-related clothing, football shirts, clothing with offensive texts, etc.).
  • Cooperation is mandatory during searches or checks.
  • The minimum age is 14 years (under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult).
  • No animals allowed.

This is not allowed

  • No alcohol for those under 18 years old.
  • Smoking or using e-cigarettes is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to trade in soft and hard drugs.
  • The use and possession of hard drugs are prohibited.
  • Weapons and dangerous objects that could threaten safety are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to bring your own drinks and food inside.
  • It is forbidden to take drinks outside.
  • It is forbidden to bring professional photo, video, and audio recording equipment inside without permission. Consumer cameras are allowed. Professional photo and film equipment is defined as devices with interchangeable lenses and SLR cameras. It is not allowed to sell photos, videos, or audio recorded in 013 to third parties without prior permission.
  • Crowdsurfing or stage diving is prohibited. 013 is not liable for any consequences resulting from this.
  • It is forbidden to post posters or distribute flyers without permission from 013.
  • It is not allowed to bring backpacks inside. Small handbags no larger than A4 size and approximately 10 cm thick are allowed and may be brought inside.


  • By visiting 013, you agree to being recorded via camera surveillance.
  • Instructions from staff must always be followed.

Behavior and Respect

  • Show respect to other visitors, artists, staff, the building, and local residents.
  • Unwanted behavior is not tolerated: this includes racist, fascist, sexist, offensive, discriminatory remarks, unwanted advances, disruptive and aggressive behavior, vandalism, and violence.
  • Be considerate of wheelchair users and visitors with (functional) disabilities; keep the platform for wheelchair users in the Main Stage clear.


  • Lockers are available and can be reserved and used via your phone. 013 reserves the right to inspect the contents of the lockers/items. 013 also reserves the right to refuse storage of valuable, oversized, or unusual items, meaning items with (potentially) prohibited, dangerous, or questionable content. Users will reimburse 013 for any damage caused by the (contents of the) items stored by the user.
  • If you are unable to open a locker, for example due to the loss or malfunction of your mobile phone, one of our service staff can assist in opening the locker.
  • Please clear out your locker before leaving 013 (mandatory). 013 has the right to open and clear out lockers after the event's closing time.
  • It is not allowed to bring backpacks inside. Small handbags no larger than A4 size and approximately 10 cm thick are permitted and may be brought inside.


  • 013 is not liable for any potential hearing damage. We advise visitors to always wear hearing protection during concerts and events. Hearing protection is available for a fee at the bar.
  • 013 is not responsible for any lost, misplaced, or damaged property of visitors.
  • Access to 013 is entirely at your own risk.
  • By entering the building, the visitor acknowledges being aware of these house rules.


  • Postponed or canceled events can only be refunded upon presentation of a valid ticket.
  • Visitors implicitly consent to the use of photo, film, and audio recordings made in the building.
  • In the event of a violation of our house rules, access will be denied. No refunds will be given.