- Speelt ‘Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors’ en nieuw album 'Weltschermz' integraal
Vanwege de aanhoudende coronamaatregelen is de show van FISH definitief afgelast. Kaartkopers ontvangen een mail met daarin meer over de aangekochte ticket(s).
Bekijk hieronder het statement vanuit de act:
“On account of the ongoing pandemic and the complete uncertainty as of when we are allowed back to do regular concerts, FISH has decided, with a very heavy heart, to cancel all of his European concerts scheduled for autumn 2021. The logistics of a tour to encompass over 40 shows in 8 countries cannot be addressed right now, and cannot be guaranteed at shorter notice. No need to explain that this has not been an easy decision for FISH, but currently it is unavoidable. With the current state the world is in no new dates can be scheduled.”
- Date Wed 06 Oct '21
- Location Main
Doors open
A detailed timetable will be announced in the week of the event.
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- Accessibility at 013