Maxi Jazz (verplaatst)

Maxi Jazz (verplaatst)
Vanwege gezondheidsredenen zal de geplande DJ-set van Maxi Jazz niet plaatsvinden op 5 oktober, maar op zaterdag 4 april. Gekochte tickets blijven uiteraard geldig. Ben je verhinderd op de nieuwe datum? Neem dan contact op met Ticketmaster. Wij betreuren het nieuws en wensen Maxwell veel beterschap.
Statement Management
“Unfortunately, Maxi Jazz has to pull out his upcoming club dates in The Netherlands including 013 Tilburg. The club dates will be re-scheduled for April 2020. His doctors have advised him to take a little more time to recover from the DVT condition from earlier this year. Maxi sends his apologies to his loyal fans and he can’t wait to get back on stage again soon.”
- Date Sat 05 Oct '19
- Location Main
Doors open
A detailed timetable will be announced in the week of the event.
Bezig met laden...
- Accessibility at 013