Basstory: An Intimate Evening Of Riffs And Repartee With David Ellefson
Vanavond komt Megadeth bassist David Ellefson naar 013 met een speciale show: Onder de noemer “Basstory: An Intimate Evening of Riffs and Repartee with David Ellefson” combineert David een solo bas optreden met verhalen over zijn leven van dieptepunten in naam van rock ‘n’ roll tot de absolute hoogtepunten in zijn carrière met Megadeth. Om David zelf te quoten:
“I have always done clinics, and a few years ago did an amazing spoken word tour in Australia to support my book My Life With ‘Deth, and have always welcomed the opportunity to be able to meet and connect with fans on a more intimate level. These important parts of my professional life converged to create BASSTORY. Not only will fans get to hear some of their favorite bass riffs, but the stories behind them. It’s not often I get to get into small, intimate Rock clubs/Music schools , the way this all started, and I’m excited for fans to get to experience this show.”
- Date Thu 18 Oct '18
- Location Next
Doors open
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- Accessibility at 013
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