Roadburn Afterburner: Wino + Solace + Firebird
Roadburn Afterburner: Wino + Solace + Firebird
- Dyse
- Dead Man
Nog na aan het sidderen van drie dagen Roadburn? Of allang weer in de startblokken voor een hete Afterburner met legendes (Wino) en bands uit alle windstreken.
This is my first "solo" record entitled "PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM", featuring Jean Paul Gaster on drums from the band Clutch and Jon Blank on bass from Rezin. It features a lot of songs and styles, and some amazing playing from Jean Paul and Jon. It will be out on Southern Lord Records end of September. Keep watching.
Thanks, WINO
Jean Paul Gaster performs also with CLUTCH and Jon Blank is from REZIN. Wino is also known form acts as The Hidden Hand, Spirit Caravan, The Obsessed, Probot and St.Vitus.
Just these names, Bill Steer. Ludwig Steer and Smok Smoczkiewicz, and you know Firebird rocks as hell.
- Date Sun 26 Apr '09
- Location Overig
Doors open
A detailed timetable will be announced in the week of the event.
Bezig met laden...
- Accessibility at 013
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